Frank Schlehuber

Frank Schlehuber



Frank Schlehuber | Senior Advisor Market Affairs | CLEPA | Podiumsteilnehmer:
Decarbonisation, automation and new ownership models are the major drivers for the most fundamental transformation process in the automotive industry ever. Connectivity and the utilization of in-vehicle data and resources are the enablers to innovative mobility solutions using the creativity of established players and new market entrants.

Frank Schlehuber, founder of AMCON Aftermarket Consulting, is also the Senior Consultant Market Affairs for CLEPA. He has 30 years of experience in the automotive industry and has held various positions with Robert Bosch in Europe, Japan and US. He is leading industry working groups and represents industry interests versus EU- and UN-institutions. Frank has experience with latest trends in the automotive sector and is organizer of the yearly CLEPA Aftermarket Conference where top deciders of established players, start-ups and politics meet to discuss relevant topics around aftermarket and mobility.


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